Cyclist shot dead by bicycle thief in US

“We had a few people in the restaurant and we heard a ‘pop!’ A really loud ‘pop!'”, a waitress told the TV station.
“We had several detectives that were inside having breakfast and they rushed out. One of the detectives drew his gun and went eastbound and the other detective went to the victim, the gentleman that was on the ground.”
“From what we understand, he was waiting for the bus and he had his bike there, and somebody approached and came and grabbed the bike and tried to steal it,” she said. “And he grabbed onto his bike and tried to hold onto his bike, and the guy pulled out a gun and shot him in the chest.”
The horrific turn of events prompted a massive search of the nearby Bosque, with law enforcement scouring for the killer until after sunset. The search was unsuccessful in locating the suspect and was called off.
The incident happened in Albuquerque outside the Central Grill and Coffee house.
